For the person you set up an account for, SAFEnSOUNDmail works in the usual way. They can read their email, send replies, send new emails, send attachments, and so on. This is done either using our very simple webmail system, or you can set up a mail program like Windows Mail, Outlook or Mac Mail, or use a mobile device like a iPhone, Android smart phone or a tablet. The power of the SAFEnSOUNDmail system comes from the additional controls that you as the account owner sets up in advance. These are described below.
Moderating email allows you to take a look at an email before it is delivered or sent. This makes it straightforward to make sure that your accounts only ever receive things you're comfortable with. When we receive an email for one of your accounts with moderation turned on, we send you a notification email which contains a preview of the message, plus two buttons - Accept or Reject. You can simply click the appropriate button and the email has been moderated. If you click Accept it will immediately be delivered to the original recipient. Incidentally, they won't know the mail has been moderated. If you click Reject, the email is not delivered. You'll still be able to access it yourself, but it won't be seen by the originally intended recipient.
Moderation works on both incoming and outgoing email.
However, you don't have to moderate every email if you don't want to. Read on to find out about the different moderation modes.
For each email account you create, you have the choice of three moderation modes:
When set to "All", all incoming and outgoing email is moderated. Nothing can be sent or received without you knowing.
When set to "None", all incoming and outgoing email is delivered without you having to do anything at all. However, you can still view all the email at any time, even if the user has deleted it from their email system.
When set to "If not on approved list", our system makes use of a built-in "Approved List" that you control. An email sent to or from an address on that list is delivered without your needing to moderate it, but emails to or from addresses not on that list are sent to you for moderation.
As explained above, the approved list allows email to be delivered if it's to/from someone that you're comfortable with sending email unmoderated. This means you can added trusted friends and family to the list and those emails won't disturb you - they'll just be immediately delivered.
The rejected list obviously rejects emails - without even notifying you that they arrived. Again, you can still view them if you want to, but you won't be notified every time one arrives.
To make building up these lists of approved and rejected senders/recipients easier, when you accept or reject an email on the website you can choose to do so whilst also adding the sender/recipient to one of those two lists. And you can even maintain lists that apply to all your accounts separately to a list for each individual account.
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